Technologist, hacker, volunteer, maker, leader, are many of the terms I have been blessed to apply to my professional life.
: a person who has wide interests and is expert in several areas
Two Terms Mayor of Mustang, Oklahoma
Two Terms Mustang Public School Board
20 Year BlackHat and Defcon Attendee/Volunteer
15 Year Defcon Security Goon
Defcon Presentor and Cyber Security Workshop Instructor (4 years)
BSides LasVegas Presentor (2 years)
Bsides LasVegas Volunteer (10 years)
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Logrythm Siem certified
Vmware Certified (Forgot which ones)
Citrix Certified (3 or more)
MCSE, And more I have forgot with MS
Citrix Synergy Speaker
MakerFaire World Speaker (3 years)
Private instructor on ESP32, RaspPi, and Ardunio embedded Systems
Private Instructor in Security workshops (Gov / Priv Industry)
Private instructor and Speaker at HN, Mexico (3 years)
BurningMan attendee and Volunteer (3 years)
IWS OK Speaker (3 Years)
BSides Ok Speaker (2 Years)
Red Dirt Hackers, ISSA and more Volunteer Locally
Lifetime member of Mustang Masonic Lodge
Proud volunteer and term president of Kiwanis
BS in Computer Science, UCO, Edmond, OK
Electronics Forensics side classes (non-credited)
Personal Hobbies
Electronics, Camping, Lake life, Traveling to other countries.